I had such a wonderful time photographing this Austin, Texas family who were vacationing in Colorado and decided to commemorate their trip with family photos. The family shared that they had never hired a professional photographer besides pictures you can get at Sears or JC Penny, but they always had a horrible experience with those. Sound familiar? Rest assured, my sessions are filled with FUN and my goal is for all of you to have a great time!
Given their prior photography experiences, it was an honor to capture the Bigler family and the beauty of the Colorado mountains during their vacation. We headed over to Standley Lake, a reservoir in Metro Denver, Colorado that’s backdropped by gorgeous mountain vistas. We had a super fun session where the kids provided feedback on which area of the lake they wanted to visit and explore for our pictures.
Nervous about how your kids will act for your family photos?
Don’t be! I really love capturing people as they are – not stiff and posed. So your high energy kids are fantastic! Their silly faces are adorable. Their love to explore all the sticks and leaves is perfect. Their dance moves and sibling tackles or tickles are the best. Even their not-so-happy selves are precious.

It’s all about the FUN!
We’re not going to do a whole session of posed, “smile at the camera” images. I really work to ensure that your kids are playing and leading the session. I’ll prompt your kiddos to do a specific fun or silly activity and coach you and your spouse to be ready with smiles right after the activity ends. I really focus our family photo sessions on FUN.

But what if my child cries during a session?
As you all interact as a family, I’ll be there to document it all, capturing the perfect and the imperfect moments. I see so many parents get discouraged because we don’t have a “picture perfect” session where everyone is smiling and posing the entire time. But even if your kid has a meltdown, we’ll create some magical photos from those intimate, comforting moments between the two of you.

Secret tip for family photo sessions with younger kids:
My biggest recommendation would be to bring snacks to the shoot. Ones that aren’t messy – nothing that’s sticky or melts. This will help us ensure the kids aren’t hangry, but also provides an incentive to take a few more photos. It’ll also give them something to do while we snap a few photos with just you and your spouse. For older kids, the idea of going out for a special dinner or dessert afterwards will give them something to look forward to and entice them to listen and get finished faster.

But hopefully, they’ll be having too much fun to even be worried about leaving!
The Bigler Family shared that their family photo session was the highlight of their trip! So whether you’re visiting Colorado on vacation or live here full time, let’s get together to make memories and take in the Colorado mountain scenery, all while you spend some quality time together as a family.

I’d love to chat about your vision for your family photos, so let’s connect on social or by visiting my Contact page today.

Oh, I love the light and colors of this session! Beautiful job, Kelsey. What a great way to commemorate a vacation to Colorado!
Great tips and it looks like you all had a blast!
[…] Worried about how your kids will handle your family photos? I provide tons of helpful tips here. […]